Master the art of jumping higher with my comprehensive, science-backed training program designed to boost your performance on the court.


performance jump volleyball


How to improve your volleyball performance

healthy body jump


Keep your health for many years

plyometrics jump volleyball


Should you do it or not?

ankle jump exercises


What are the best dynamic ankle exercises?

health jump volleyball


Importance of eccentric strength

exercises jump volleyball


100+ exercises from the best leagues

jump pyramid volleyball


What is jump pyramid?

examples training jump


Download practical training examples

invisible helpers jump


What are invisible helpers

no training jump


When to avoid jump training?

shoulders vertical jump


Shoulders and jump technique

no six weeks jump


Jump higher for many years


Over more than 20 years, I’ve learned a lot about what it takes to build good vertical jump, train consistently, and keep vertical jump for many years. I’ve spent over 10 years in the best volleyball leagues, learning from many famous coaches and I tried to find the secret way how to dramatically improve vertical jump and volleyball performance.

And you know what? There’s no secret.
It’s just a matter of:


Think smartly about your trainings.


Train several times per week.


Repeat this for months (and years).

That’s all it takes.

I personally guarantee that if you follow this 3-part formula in my online course, your vertical jump will change in ways you can’t imagine. You’ll learn incredibly useful advice, skills and exercises. You’ll increase your vertical jump, and you’ll keep your body healthy. You might even attack like the world best players.

The real “secret”, if there’s one at all, is that you need to build a system around your jump trainings. A system means that you can efficiently train and work on your jump that will improve your volleyball performance, without taking up large amounts of your own time by searching for proven exercises on internet. Instead of thinking of your vertical jump as a personal project, you want to think about it like a machine. A machine that takes inputs in the form of ideas and advice, refines them into smart trainings that brings you the results.

I’ve built such a system for me and my professional player career, and I can help you build yours. But as with all things, getting started and maintaining quality + consistency is easier said than done.

The perfect jump training system for every volleyball player


Our students express positive feedback about our courses.
Here’s a glimpse of what many of them have shared.




It feels demanding to work on your vertical jump for longer period.



  • You won’t see much improvements in first periods
  • You need to work not only on your legs
  • You’ll have to speed up your ankles
  • Without stretching you can’t think about high vertical jump
  • You’ll worry about what to do long term
  • You can’t train in some moments (otherwise you risk big injury)
  • You don’t know what exercises you can combine
  • You’ll be thinking about when is the right time to work hard
  • You need to know the right jump technique

You’ll also have to do all this (and a lot more) while working on your powerful attacks, volleyball skills, good technique, tactical preparation, as well as also doing your best to enjoy your volleyball journey and avoid burnout.

This is hard.
It takes a lot of work.


But it’s also really fun, and if you can make it work, it’s genuinely life-changing.

Remember, the

turtle vertical jump

Beats the

rabbit vertical jump


The Ultimate Guide to Increase Your Vertical Jump is a online course (that you have access to for the rest of your life)


I’ll teach and help you implement everything I know about improving and keeping your vertical jump into a…


Smart Jump Training

…that will bring you significant vertical jump enhancement and keep you healthy for a long time.

During the course, you’ll learn that the jump is not only about your strength and dynamics, but many other elements affect your jump. Moreover, you have invisible helpers that significantly help you not only in building your vertical jump. And all this must be supported by your good health, because without a healthy body you can’t work on your jump. Also, bad habits and stereotypes along with improper technique affect your efforts to increase your jump.


The training program I’ve developed and teach on the course grew my vertical jump to…



358 cm jump reach

2nd best outside hitter at the WCH



You’ll find organized training videos teaching how to increase your vertical jump.


Download several practical training examples and you can start training today.


Get inspired and eat according to healthy diet plan designed specifically for active volleyball players.



You’ll have exact idea how & when to work on your jump with plyometric exercises.


You’ll master safe and heavy weight training exercises and how to get the most of them.


You’ll know which invisible helpers directly affect your quest for a higher vertical jump and why you can’t skip working on them during your training plan.


You’ll learn how to speed up your ankles and get the most out of them for your trainings and matches.


You’ll learn why the shoulders and their mobility are one of the essential elements for the development of your vertical jump.




You’ll dramatically improve your volleyball performance on attack, on block and when serving jump serves.





You’ll keep your body, muscles and tendons healthy for a long time and will not expose yourself to dangerous situations.


You’ll see that it isn’t enough to focus on jump training only for 6 weeks, but that you need to work smartly in the long term


Basically, the course is for anyone who wants to take vertical jump seriously. If you’re committed to increasing and maintaining your jump and putting yourself in the best position to build, sustain and succeed at volleyball, I am here for you, and I promise you’ll get large amounts of value from the course.

The specifics of what this looks like can get a bit complicated, because (a) the course is pretty wide-ranging, and (b) the specific value you’ll get from it does depend on your volleyball experience. I’ve tried to break things down (very roughly) by volleyball player levels. Naturally, this is an imperfect metric, but it’s the best I’ve got to divide players, so please take don’t be mad with me.


You’re at the beginning of your volleyball endeavors. You have a lot of work to do on your volleyball skills and other elements important for a volleyball player. Of course, you want to play your best volleyball from the start. And working on your vertical jump is just as important as working on your volleyball technique.

And if you want to work on your jump, you lack experience. What exercises to do? When to do specific workouts for the jump? Should you go to the gym or rather jump hurdles? You are looking for answers to all these questions. And in my online course you will find many answers and ways that will fundamentally help you improve your vertical jump.

Intermediate players

You’ve been playing volleyball for several years. You’ve played several seasons. You know how to play, you can handle most situations in volleyball. You try to play your best, but you’re still not satisfied. You’re still lacking something, you still want to improve.

And when you think about what to do to play better volleyball, thoughts about your vertical jump and how to improve it often resonate in your head. You wonder what else I should do to jump higher and make more points on offense. What exercises will help me improve my jump so I can block more. And also you would love to give more aces from your jump serves. So far you have been working on developing your vertical jump without a proven system. Also for you, this online course will literally open your eyes and show you the way to not only improve your jump, but how to maintain it long term.

Experienced players

You play volleyball very well. You’ve trained under good coaches. Your attacks, blocks and jump serves have quality and many opponents are afraid of you in your competition. You try to play your best, you practice several times a week. You dedicate yourself to physical preparation, working on your technique, you know well the advantages of tactical preparation for a match.

You jump high and are (mostly) successful on offense. But every once in a while you come across a player or opponent who outperforms you and you are dissatisfied with your performance after the match.

Weight training and plyometric exercises are not new to you; your coaches have taught you what to do and when to do it. Yet you ask yourself, is this the most I can do? Can I really not have a higher jump reach? Do I really know everything I need to jump as high as I can throughout a match or tournament? Or is there something I’m missing or unknowingly neglecting?

If you are at least a little hesitant about answering these questions, this online course is for you. In the course, I will take you from A to Z through everything that affects either positively or negatively your vertical jump. I’ll show you things and exercises you won’t see anywhere else. You will learn tips and experiences from the best volleyball leagues in the world. Advice from the best volleyball coaches and athletic trainers that I have tried on myself. And I’ve put together the best and most effective ones for you in my online course.



  • 25 chapters – learn multiple elements that affect vertical jump
  • 100+ exercises – proven exercises for calves, legs, butt, core, shoulders
  • practical examples – download several examples of different jump trainings
  • lifetime access – to online course and all materials

Ready to Jump Higher? Enroll Now and Start Seeing Results Today!


We want the investment in this course to be an absolute no-brainer for you.

 So, if you watch the full online course and still don’t find the course useful, drop us an email and we’ll happily refund your full payment within 30 days of the start of the course.

However, please note that the money-back guarantee only applies if you’ve completed the entire course and included your reason for the cancellation in the email.


When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

How can I access the course?
Immediately after your payment, you have full access to the course. Just go to My Account, log in with your credentials and start learning. 

How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days, and we will give you a full refund.

Is this course for me?
Answer yourself this question... Do you like volleyball, and you want to learn from the top volleyball coaches? If your answer is YES, then this course is for you. You don’t need any special knowledge or experience, only the desire to learn volleyball.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Nguyen Le Si (Pleiku, VN)

Very good

Great course

This course gave me a lot of input how to improve my vertical jump. The videos are simple but very effective.

Brent Teasdale (Lloydminster, CA)
Ultimate Guide to increase Vertical jumping

Jiri does a great job of explaining what exercises and training methods he recommends in order to jump higher.

Thanks again!!