For Aspiring Volleyball Professionals…

Discover How The Triple-Action Performance System Allows YOU To Jump Higher, Hit Harder, & Master Volleyball Skills 3x Faster – In Just 8 Weeks

Without Needing Costly Coaching, Endless Gym Sessions, or Any Previous Expertise

Wake up…

Go to the gym in the early morning…

Back home, eat, and then go to practice.

Watch YouTube videos about volleyball.

This was my life.

I was and I am obsessed with Volleyball.

It’s all I think about.

But before I went pro and competed in big events…

I remember those sleepless nights when I thought of quitting because improvement was nowhere to be seen.

You see…

I used to spend endless hours in the gym, training hard but seeing no progress…

Missing out on important moments, feeling stuck in a cycle I thought I’d need to endure for years to come…

The frustration was like an unwelcome coach constantly shouting from the sidelines.

But then, I discovered something incredible.

A game-changing approach to volleyball training…

Now, before you scroll past this thinking it’s just another training program, hear me out:

I tried every conventional method out there. Plyometrics, strength training, endless drills…

You name it.

But one day, I implemented a strategy that changed everything in just a few hours of focused training…

That might not sound groundbreaking to you…

But fast forward to today:

I’ve transformed not only my skills but also my coaching approach, helping athletes just like you not just improve but truly unlock their ‘inner’ player.

And now, over 100+ volleyball players have used this exact system to improve the 3 main qualities a professional volleyball player has:

  • Good vertical jump
  • Hard-hitting power
  • And learning tactical skills rapidly

jiri popelka volleyball coach

Hi, I’m Jiri Popelka.

Until a few years ago, I was a professional volleyball player.

During my career, I played 3 World Championships, 4 European Championships, and leagues in Italy, Poland, France, Argentina, Turkey, Germany, and other countries. 

I’ve been writing articles about volleyball on volleycountry for almost 20 years and over 30,000,000 pages of mine have been read. 

On top of that, I make videos with volleyball tricks and tips on how to play volleyball on YouTube that have almost 15,000,000 views. 

Plus we have a volleyball club with hundreds of young players that I teach volleyball to.

I’ve had training under the world’s best coaches, jumping ten thousand jumps. I’ve learned a tremendous amount of exercises and ways to work on my skills. 

And when I was in my best shape, I had a 358-centimeter jump reach and my domain was hitting hard attacks on the fingertips of blocking players. 

That’s why I was also the 2nd best spiker at the World Championship. 

I know what it takes to become the best.

And I know how hard and demotivating it is to see your progress stall.

It feels like a hidden barrier is holding you back.

But at the same time you have NO clue how to get out of it.

Until now…

I’ve packed all of my knowledge, advice, and experience into ONE program:

The Triple-Action Performance System that I’ve perfected over years of coaching and competition.


hit harder volleyball power


How to attack and serve much more harder

hit harder volleyball prevention


Why is the wall an excellent coach?

hit harder volleyball speed


What are the best dynamic ankle exercises?

hit harder volleyball technique


What are invisible helpers

hit harder volleyball secret tips


Nobody is doing them

hit harder volleyball speed


Smart and very effective training

hit harder volleyball speed dynamics


What all you need?

examples training jump


Download practical training examples

healthy body jump


Keep your health for many years

hit harder volleyball way to top


From the best coaches in the world!

hit harder volleyball timing


Work hard & time to rest

hit harder volleyball 8 weeks


Train intensively, become killer

And Do You Want to Know The Secret?

Truth be told…

There’s no secret.

After 20 years of consistent training I’ve discovered that there’s ONLY a 3-step process you need:


Think smartly about your trainings.


Train several times per week.


Technique, power and speed.

But the tricky part is the thinking…

Most people–ironically enough–THINK they’re smart about their workout program and have covered all the essentials to actually improve…

And why do they think that?

Because they’ve watched random YouTube videos titled “The BEST Volleyball Practices in 2024” and dived head first into trying it out…

And when they don’t see results…

They search for it again…

Over and over again.

That’s WHY you don’t progress.

You don’t need more information.

You need the right information.

The right set of exercises and drills who actually make you better.

That’s Why I Created The Triple-Action Performance System


You could spend hours, weeks, and even years researching the best exercises.

And I’m pretty sure that after some years, some gray hairs growing on you, and some birthday parties lost… you’d know what I know (or at least get pretty close)

But you’ll miss one thing.

You won’t have the time to practice – your skills will become rusty.

You won’t have the experience – all your time NEEDS to be dedicated to finding the right exercise.

You won’t progress at all – and all your teammates will progress right ahead of you and you might get kicked out of the team.

And you’d have NO time to pursue your volleyball career.


You can learn some of what’s included in the Triple-Action Performance System for free online…

But do you really want to?

When you could access every piece of ‘right’ information you’ll ever need at the click of THIS button below?

Here’s What You Get Immediate Access To When You Invest In The Triple-Action Performance System

Ultimate Guide to Increase Your Vertical Jump

To be a complete player who gets attention on the court, your vertical jump needs to be impressive.

In the first guide, you’ll learn how to increase your vertical jump massively using a science-backed training program.

Here’s what you’ll learn…

  • Most volleyball players focus solely on strength for higher jumps, but what if your ankle stability is what’s actually holding you back? Discover how dynamic ankle exercises can transform your performance. (Value – $97)
  • Discover the secret to maintaining health for athletic longevity. It’s not just about training hard but training smart. (Value – $26)
  • How to sidestep jump training pitfalls that lead to injuries and instead promote effective recovery strategies. (Value – $71)
  • Do you know the invisible helpers that elevate your jump? Learn to harness these critical elements beyond strength and dynamics. (Value – $80)
  • Unlock over 100 elite-level exercises that have been the cornerstone of championship volleyball training—each designed to not just increase your jump height but to revolutionize your entire approach to volleyball athleticism. (Value – $152)
  • The sneaky reason your volleyball training isn’t giving you the jump results you want—It’s not just about the quantity of jumps, but the quality of your preparation and recovery. (Value – $97)
  • If you can spare 10 minutes a day, then you can integrate the Jump Pyramid Method to see consistent gains in your jump height and game performance. (Value – $71)
  • Think eccentric strength training just helps with injury prevention? Wrong! Discover how it’s crucial for powering through explosive jumps. (Value – $53)
  • How to use health maintenance tips to achieve better long-term athletic performance than any temporary fitness trainer could ever offer. (Value – $62)
  • Do you ignore your training schedule when you feel tired? Find out why training avoidance techniques are essential for peak performance and longevity in volleyball. (Value – $71)

And it’s all achieved with 7 simple modules:

    1. Introduction to Vertical Jump Training
    2. Plyometric Foundations
    3. Dynamic Ankle Exercises
    4. Advanced Jump Techniques
    5. Health and Maintenance Tips
    6. Eccentric Strength Workouts
    7. Jump Pyramid Progression

Total Course Value: $780

Unlock Your Volleyball Power: Hit Up to 50% Harder in 8 Weeks

What good is a high vertical jump if you can’t smash the opponent (both figuratively and literally)

This guide will help you dramatically improve your hitting power, enhance shoulder mobility, and dominate the court like never before. 

With over 150 targeted exercises and expert guidance, you’ll transform your play with noticeable results.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Learn how strategic flexibility plays a crucial role in maximizing your hitting force. (Value – $49)
  • Never overlook shoulder health, here’s why: Ignoring shoulder mobility can lead to long-term injuries that might sideline your career. Ensure your power hits don’t come with a painful price. (Value – $87)
  • Gain the secret to a swift, whip-like arm swing that professional hitters use to score game-winning points, revealed in one of the exclusive drills. (Value – $125)
  • Most players neglect speed in their hits. Discover how enhancing your dynamic movements can 5x your hitting power dramatically. (Value – $63)
  • How to harness the biomechanics of elite athletes to ensure every hit packs a punch (I’ve personally used this to score a lot of points) (Value – $95)
  • Give me eight weeks, and I’ll transform you into a powerhouse on the court, feared by your opponents for your hard hitting hits. (Value – $199)
  • If you can dedicate just 20 minutes a day to this program, then you can double the force of your volleyball strikes. (Value – $110)
  • The truth about most hitting techniques? They’re outdated. Get access to cutting-edge methods that are shaping the future of volleyball. (Value – $97)
  • Learn the single most important drill for improving your serve’s speed and accuracy—a game changer! (Value – $88)
  • How to integrate advanced plyometrics into your training to see results in less than two months (Value – $76)
  • The three critical elements of a powerful hit: technique, timing, and tenacity. I’ll show you how to master these to become unstoppable. (Value – $92)
  • How to make your training sessions more effective than any off-season camp you’ve ever attended. (Value – $130)
  • 90% of players waste their potential by not following a structured training program. This course ensures you’re not one of them. (Value – $61)
  • Do you struggle with consistency in your hits? I have the solution that changes everything. (Value – $75)

Again you’ll learn it all within 7 modules:

  1. ​​Introduction to Hitting Power 
  2. Power-Boosting Exercises 
  3. Injury Prevention Techniques 
  4. Speed Development Drills 
  5. Technical Improvement Tips 
  6. Shoulder Mobility Workouts 
  7. Tracking and Measuring Progress

Total Course Value: $1,347

Master Volleyball Skills 3x Faster with 120 Unique Wall Volleyball Drills

Transform your game and outsmart your competition with a drill program so effective, it’s almost unfair.

Dive into over 120 unique wall drills designed not just to improve your volleyball skills but to turn you into the player everyone fears on the court.

What you’ll learn:

  • Think wall drills are just for rookies? Think again! Discover how even top professionals use these to stay sharp. (Value – $58)
  • Master the art of the serve—just don’t hit grandma’s favorite vase. Learn precision techniques that boost your serving skills without endangering household items. (If you mess this up, you might have more than just the game to lose…) (Value – $89)
  • Unlock the secrets to lightning-fast reflexes with drills so fun, you won’t realize you’re actually sweating. (Value – $93)
  • Speed isn’t everything unless you’re in a game. Harness these quick-footed drills to flash your opponents and spectators alike. (Value – $75)
  • How to turn your living room wall into the best volleyball coach you’ve ever had. (Value – $110)
  • Spend just 30 minutes a day with these drills, and watch as your passing goes from ‘meh’ to ‘marvelous.’ (Value – $126)
  • If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball. But can you hit it back with precision? If yes, these drills will make your spikes unstoppable. (Value – $98)
  • The truth about improving game performance? It’s not all in the gym. See how strategic wall drills can significantlyenhance your gameplay. (Value – $82)
  • Master the single most effective bumping technique that’ll make your opponents think twice before targeting you. (Value – $65)
  • How to improve your volleyball skills without accidentally throwing out your back. Yes, it’s possible! (Value – $92)
  • The four reasons why your volleyball skills aren’t improving—and how our drills are designed to fix each one. (Value – $54)
  • Discover the sneaky way top players practice off the court to stay ahead of the game. (Value – $49)
  • How to ensure your wall drills are more effective than those tedious training camps you used to dread. (Value – $87)
  • 83% of players overlook the power of reaction drills (Yes, I made that number up). Don’t be one of them.Enhance your speed and responsiveness with techniques that make a difference. (Value – $101)
  • What never to do during a wall drill session. Hint: It involves your smartphone and a lot of distraction. (This tip alone can save your focus and your face) (Value – $68)
  • Do you get bored easily with routine training? Not anymore. These drills are designed to keep even the most distractible players engaged and improving. (Value – $76)
  • The reason why you’re not yet leading your team might just be hidden in your drill routine—or the lack thereof. (Value – $59)
  • Ever wonder why some players seem to have all the luck? Maybe it’s not luck. Maybe it’s this wall drill program. Ready to try your ‘luck’? (Value – $90)

Here are the 7 modules:

  1. Introduction to Wall Drills
  2. Basic Skills Enhancement
  3. Advanced Bumping Techniques
  4. Serving Drills
  5. Passing Drills
  6. Speed and Reaction Drills
  7. Fun and Engaging Training Challenges

Total Course Value: $1,472

This Is WHAT The Triple-Action Performance System Consists Off…

It’s 3 highly effective courses with in-depth training and techniques put into one singular package…

With a combined price of $3,599.

But I’m not going to charge you even 1/10 of that. 

Before I tell you the price…

I need to tell you something first.

Here’s how it works:

Assuming you’ve experienced the transformational power of the Triple-Action Performance System and you want to continue refining these skills to dominate the court, you might consider this type of top-tier training essential.

Normally, working one-on-one with a coach of my caliber could cost you upwards of $1,000 per session. 

But here’s the thing… 

I wont charge you anywhere near that.

$900? Nope.

$500?? Absolutely not!!

With the Triple-Action Performance System, you’re getting all my expertise, distilled into one comprehensive program, for just a one-time payment of $250.

Why does this investment make sense?

Because I’m confident that the techniques and strategies I’ve honed over years of elite competition and coaching will help you improve your game far beyond the initial investment. 

If we were to work together one-on-one, the cost could easily exceed $1,000 in just the first month. Instead, you get continuous access to these science-backed methods and knowledge that took me years to learn, at a fraction of the price.

In fact, I’ll even offer you multiple plans in the program that could significantly enhance your playing skills right from the start—and this initial guidance is essentially part of your one-time fee.

So, you’ll see the immense value before you even step onto the court—without risking a single dime.

And here’s my promise to you:

If after joining the Triple-Action Performance System, you don’t find the training to be as transformative as promised, or if it doesn’t start to dramatically improve your skills within 30 days, I’ll give you a complete refund. 

That’s my “No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee.” (but to be eligible for the guarantee you’ll have to have gone through all of the modules)

Why can I make such an offer?

Because nobody else combines this level of tested coaching methodology with direct, actionable training that delivers real results. 

I’ve seen it transform players from unsure to unbeatable, and I’m confident it will do the same for you.

Consider this… 

Over my coaching career, I’ve helped players secure scholarships, professional contracts, and championship titles. 

My training has been the cornerstone of their success—success that has been replicated time and again, regardless of their initial skill level.

I’m putting everything on the line because I know this system works.

Who else would do that?


That’s because very few have the confidence backed by proven results like those from the Triple-Action Performance System.

Now, imagine leveraging this elite training package for just $250. 

It’s not just an investment in your volleyball skills… It’s an investment in becoming the player you’ve always aspired to be.

Give the Triple-Action Performance System a risk-free try today…

Everyday Counts…

And I know how easy and tempting it is to say “I’ll start tomorrow”…

…But elite athletes—the kind who leave their mark on the game—take action today. 

In volleyball, like in life, every day you’re not actively improving is a day you’re potentially falling behind. 

The question isn’t just about whether you can afford to join the Triple-Action Performance System—it’s whether you can afford not to.

Each day you delay is another day your competitors spend perfecting their spikes, serves, and blocks. They’re getting stronger, faster, and more agile. 

Where will that leave you when you next meet on the court?

Would it put the attention on you?

Would it allow you to get seen and perhaps get recruited?

We both know the answer is no.

But it doesn’t have to be that way…

In just a matter of weeks you can begin seeing results with the Triple-Action Performance System.

And the sooner you start, the sooner your transformation begins.

The best time to start was yesterday. The next best time? Today.

We’ve come to a point where you have to make a decision…

One of them will allow you to jump higher, hit harder, and have an unfair advantage when it comes to further developing your skills.

It will leave your teammates in complete shock seeing you improve this fast.

It might make them a bit envious of you (even tho they’ll never admit it)

It will allow you to be seen on the court.

While the other decision will…

…Well let you be exactly where you are right now.

Completely stalled.

It will demotivate you till the point you end up quitting and giving up on this whole idea of going pro.

But by you being so far down this page… I know that’s not what you want.

You want to be seen on the court, be the MAN of the match, and finally get noticed.

And for that…

I urge you to make the right decision.

Are you ready to choose?

Option 1:

You decide to close this tab and move on like nothing happened.

You keep pretending there’s nothing you can do to improve your situation…

And you completely forget what I told you the Triple-Action Performance System could do for you…

If that’s the decision you’re going for…

You might as well forget this whole “going pro” thing.

But I know that’s NOT why you’re here.

I know that inner voice of yours is dying to know exactly how the Triple-Action Performance System can help solve your situation and your sudden stop in improvement.

Which is why we have…

Option 2:

Give the Triple-Action Performance System a risk-free try today.

Get immediate access…

And learn the secret techniques to jump higher, hit noticeably harder, and learn drills 3x faster…

You’ll notice some crazy improvements within the first week.

And if–within 30 days–you don’t find the Triple-Action Performance System to deliver on its promise…

I’ll refund you every single penny.

So when you really think about it…

You don’t have anything to lose.

You either stay stuck where you are now forever.

Or you click the button below and make a risk-free investment in your future today.

If you’re serious about volleyball, the right decision is clear.

Frequently Asked Questions

I know you might have some final last-minute questions holding you back from completely changing your approach to volleyball…

So that’s why I’m taking exactly 13 extra minutes of my time to answer the most frequently asked questions:

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish. 

And with the 3-in-1 package?

You’ll have tons of content to go through.

How can I access the course?

It’s extremely simple.

As I’ve told you, once you place the investment and the payment goes through you have IMMEDIATE access to the full course.

And it’s yours to keep forever.

Just go to “My Account”, log in with your credentials and start learning and applying.

How long do I have access to the course?

Let me answer this with a question back:

How does lifetime access sound? 

After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course forEVER – across any and all devices you own.

What if I am unhappy with the course?
I would never want you to be unhappy!

And I’m all about making this an easy decision for you by keeping it safe and secure.

You shouldn’t be afraid of investing in yourself.

That’s why…

If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me within the first 30 days, and I’ll give you a full refund.

To be eligible for the refund you’d have to go through the whole course.

Is this course for me?

Only you know that.

But to make it easier for you…

Answer yourself this question… Do you like volleyball, and do you want to learn from the top volleyball coaches? 

If your answer is YES, then this course is for you. 

You don’t need any special knowledge or experience, only the desire to learn volleyball.

How do I get immediate access to the Triple-Action Performance System?

It’s simple and can be done in 3 simple steps:

  1. Click the button below
  2. Fill in your credentials
  3. Congratulations, you have lifetime access!


Our volleyball players’ feedback says it all. Here’s a heartfelt glimpse into the experiences they’ve shared about our training.