Self-massage is a great way to release muscle tension, improve flexibility, and alleviate pain, and can be easily done with the use of scraping tools. One such tool that is gaining popularity among athletes is the Sidekick Tool. So here is our short sidekick tool review and tips how to use it.

The SideKick is a multi-functional, portable myofascial release tool that can be used to massage various parts of the body, such as the legs, back, shoulders, and feet.

Before you begin, it’s important to make sure you are in a comfortable position and to start with a light pressure. You should avoid massaging any areas that are injured or inflamed.

To use the SideKick Tool on your legs, start by sitting or standing with the tool on the floor or a mat. Place the tool on the muscle you wish to massage and apply light pressure as you roll the tool up and down the muscle. You can experiment with different angles and pressure to find the most effective technique for you. For example, you can use the tool with a back and forth motion to release tension in the quadriceps and with a circular motion to release tension in the hamstrings.

For your back, lie face down on the floor and place the tool along your spine. Apply light pressure as you roll up and down the length of your spine. You can also use the tool to massage the muscles on either side of the spine, such as the lats and the traps.

For your shoulders, sit or stand with the tool against a wall or a door frame, and lean into the tool with your shoulder. Apply light pressure as you roll the tool along the length of your shoulder. You can also use the tool to massage the muscles that run along the back of your neck, such as the levator scapulae and the upper traps.

For your feet, you can use the Sidekick tool by placing it under your foot and rolling it along the bottom of your foot and the sole of your foot. This can help release tension in the plantar fascia and the muscles of the foot and ankle.

The sidekick Tool is also designed to have a variety of attachments, like nubbles, knobs and more. Each one is designed to target different areas of the body and work in different ways. The variety of attachments can be used to work on different areas of the body, such as the feet, hands, or scalp.

In conclusion, self-massage with the use of scraping tools can be a great way to release muscle tension, improve flexibility, and alleviate pain. The SideKick Tool is a great option for athletes and individuals who are looking for a multi-functional, portable myofascial release tool. It can be used on various parts of the body, such as the legs, back, shoulders, and feet, and has a variety of attachments to target different areas of the body. Remember to always start with light pressure, listen to your body and avoid massaging any areas that are injured or inflamed.