Javier Weber | Sideout in Volleyball


A former excellent setter and a successful Argentinian coach Javier Weber will show you his view on attack after reception.



Javier Weber lectured at the World volleyball coaches show 2019 on topic Attack after reception.

Where is always a free area in defense?
What is his distribution for setters after good reception?
Why is the second attack after reception important?
Where does the middle blocker go for cover?

These and many more questions will be answered by an Argentinian coach Javier Weber in the recording from his lecture. He worked for many years in Brazil. He recognizes and applies the Brazilian volleyball school. Passion is also very important for him. From his own experience as an excellent setter, the distribution and attack after reception were his best. Inspire from him, similar setter coaches are not many in the world.

Javier Weber is a volleyball coach and a former setter of Argentina. During his career, he played 613 games for Argentinian national team in years 1985 – 2002. Javier is one of a few players in volleyball history to play at five world championships. He is a bronze medal owner from Soul 1988. J. Weber coached in Brazil for five years, won a title in Greece in 2006. In years 2008 – 2013, he was the head coach of the Argentinian national team. He has been working in Personal Bolivar, the best Argentinian club, for ten years, and he is the most successful coach in the club´s history with 10 titles in the league and the cup.

Time: 100 minutes
Language: English
This course will expire 12 months after purchase

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Shinnosuke Uehara (Nova Lima, BR)

Javier Weber | Sideout in Volleyball

Miroslav Ambrozic (Ljubljana, SI)

Javier Weber | Sideout in Volleyball