
Massimo Barbolini | Block Training Specificities of Female players


Successful Italian coach Massimo Barbolini will present his view of the block practice of girls’ and women’s volleyball and the specifics of block training with players.



Massimo Barbolini lectured at the World volleyball coaches show 2019 on topic The specifics of block training with female players.

Why is it important that young female players touch the ball at the block?
When is it the right time to jump for the block?
Why is it necessary to train in a slow rhythm sometimes?

Massimo Barbolini will get you answers on these questions in the recording of his lecture. Block is for M. Barbolini´s women and girls teams a very important part of their winning strategy. You will also get to know why the net height and the participation of coaches is important in block exercises.

Massimo Barbolini is an Italian volleyball coach and one of the most successful women coaches in the world. Massimo won twice the European championship with Italy in years 2007 and 2009. In 2007 and 2011, he also won the World Cup with Italy. Moreover, he also won the Champions League four times and the Club World Championships. M. Barbolini is now coaching the leading team in the Italian women´s Serie A1, the team of Novara. During his career, he has acquired a fascinating number of 30 titles in national and international competitions. In Italy, he is often invited to volleyball seminars and workshops, where he transfers his knowledge to Italian coaches.

Time: 100 minutes
Language: English